Frequently Asked Questions

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What are immediate dental implants?

Immediate dental implants are a quick medical procedure that involves implanting teeth inside the jaw bone cavity. It is performed immediately after tooth extraction and requires a maximum of 7 days for the wound to heal. These teeth are fixed well, perform their natural function, and keep the gums healthy and free from problems resulting from tooth loss.
For more information about dental implants, click here.
You can send your inquiries, and a specialist doctor from our centers will contact you to answer them from here.
You can also book an examination directly by booking an appointment.

What is the difference between immediate and traditional dental implants?

The difference between immediate and traditional dental implants is that traditional implants require many steps, procedures, more visits to doctors, a longer recovery period, and months to heal. However, they are characterized by their durability, strength, and longer continuity, so they can last a lifetime.
As for the immediate dental implant technique, it is superior to traditional dental implants in its speed of procedure, short recovery time, and rapid results. It also preserves gum tissue and bone integrity.
For more information about dental implants, click here.
You can send your inquiries, and a specialist doctor from our centers will contact you to answer them from here.
You can also book an examination directly by booking an appointment.

What are the disadvantages of immediate dental implants?

Immediate dental implants are almost devoid of defects. If performed by an experienced and skilled doctor, they are considered one of the most successful dental cosmetic techniques for lost teeth. The harms of immediate dental implants can be limited to bleeding and swelling.
For more information about dental implants, click here.
You can send your inquiries, and a specialist doctor from our centers will contact you to answer them from here.
You can also book an examination directly by booking an appointment.

Is immediate transplantation painful?

Immediate dental implants are a simple procedure that does not cause severe pain. It is performed under local anesthesia and takes about 15-30 minutes.
For more information about dental implants, click here.
You can send your inquiries, and a specialist doctor from our centers will contact you to answer them from here.
You can also book an examination directly by booking an appointment.

Are immediate dental implants successful?

Immediate dental implants are considered a successful procedure and an ideal option, with a success rate of 97%. They are suitable for diabetics and accident cases.
For more information about dental implants, click here.
You can send your inquiries, and a specialist doctor from our centers will contact you to answer them from here.
You can also book an examination directly by booking an appointment.

Can dental implants be done on the same day as tooth extraction?

Of course, immediate dental implants are performed on the same day the tooth is extracted, according to the doctor's decision, after carefully assessing the tooth and bone's condition. In some cases, the immediate implant is postponed until 4-8 weeks after the tooth extraction; in traditional cases, the wait is three months after the extraction of the lower jaw teeth and six months after the extraction of the upper jaw teeth.
For more information about dental implants, click here.
You can send your inquiries, and a specialist doctor from our centers will contact you to answer them from here.
You can also book an examination directly by booking an appointment.

Who are not candidates for immediate dental implants?

People with gingivitis or weak bone structure need bone implants to stabilize and graft the jawbone.
For more information about dental implants, click here.
You can send your inquiries, and a specialist doctor from our centers will contact you to answer them from here.
You can also book an examination directly by booking an appointment.

How to Immediate Dental Implant?

The immediate dental implant method is simple and uncomplicated. It begins with using a local anesthetic to extract the damaged tooth gently and with minimal damage, then examining the location of the extracted tooth, cleaning and sterilizing it. The doctor then firmly implants the new tooth in the jawbone to ensure stability. The patient may need to implant some bone around the new tooth to ensure that it does not move from its place and to fill the spaces between the tooth and the jawbone to protect it. The operation does not take more than an hour to return to the usual life routine.
For more information about dental implants, click here.
You can send your inquiries, and a specialist doctor from our centers will contact you to answer them from here.
You can also book an examination directly by booking an appointment.

How much do immediate dental implants cost?

The cost of immediate dental implants varies according to the patient's age, dental health condition, the treating physician's experience, and the clinic's reputation. In addition to some procedures necessary to diagnose the condition, such as X-rays and CT scans, the patient may also need a sinus lift to complete the treatment and make it successful.
For more information about dental implants, click here.
You can send your inquiries, and a specialist doctor from our centers will contact you to answer them from here.
You can also book an examination directly by booking an appointment.

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